
There is what i consider an outstanding tutorial on Fly tying on this board under Fly Tying that was put together by Al Campbell. In the Beginning section there are about a dozen flies, Intermediate has about 30 and another 10 or so in the Advanced area. Go to the Home Page and click on the side bar button Fly Tying, then click on the Beginning Tying button.

Al walks you through tools and materials and has step by step instruction for tying simple flies to start and working up to some pretty complex flies in the Advanced section. I got back into tying after a 50 year layoff using this instruction about a year ago and now tie up all my own flies, from simple nymphs to spun hair dries and make my own modifications to fit the materials or conditions at hand.

Another thing to look out for is the Beginners Fly Swap which should be showing up on this board any day now. I joined for the 2012/2013 session and it was a big help with my tying, plus the bonus of getting a dozen or so flies from other new tiers and one from the experienced moderator every month for 6 months. What else you going to do in the winter months?

Highly recommend both of above. Check 'em out.