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Thread: What action rods do you like?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Grand Prairie, Texas USA


    How do you tell if you have a fast or slow action rod. I purchased both of my rods by mail and didn't think to inquire about the speed. The 5 wt is much easlier for me to cast with than the 3 wt. Does that mean it is slower or faster? I like the 5 wt much better. With the 5 wt I can feel the rod flex. With the 3 wt I can feel the line settle around my head and in a pile in front of me.


  2. #12
    nighthawk Guest


    Medium to fast actions for me.

    Eric "nighthawk"
    " All gave some, some gave all. Some stood through for the red, white and blue and some had to fall. If you ever think of me, think of all your liberties and recall, Some gave all". Thanks to Billy Ray Cyrus and all our fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.
    American veteran and proud of it!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Lancaster, Pa. USA



    I'm no expert, but I'll take a stab at answering your question.

    First, you'll notice there is no consenus of opion on what people prefer, be it slow, medium or fast action. It has to do with casting style and the type of fishing your doing.

    If your 3 wt rod is one of them there super light jobs, it will be more difficult to feel the rod load. If your having difficulty casting the #3, then I would suggest you turn your head so you can WATCH the backcast and SEE the timing. Practice this until you begin to not only see the timing but can also feel it.

    Hope this helps,


  4. #14


    I like tham all but my preferences in fishing push me to my Winnie BIIx for graphite (med fast action), my McFarland or my Steffan for fiberglass (slower action), and I like the action of the Perfectionist in bamboo.

    (Beautiful collection there Mr. Banjo!)

  5. #15


    For my 7wt rod I like a fast action rod to help with the big bugs/clousers. For my 3wt rod I like a medium action rod for dry flies and small nymphs.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA


    I tend to like the fast rods(6-9wt). In lighter wt rods( 5wt & under) I prefermy rods to be med fast

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Poughkeepsie, NY


    To tell what the action of a rod is do the following. Hold the rod at a 45 degree angle with the tip touching the floor. Press the rod down causing it to bend and observe where most of the bend occurs. If its near the tip its a fast action, if mostly in the middle its a medium action, and if its distributed throughout the rod its a slow action.

    [This message has been edited by sjh (edited 29 May 2006).]

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    IMHO I don't cast well with any of 'em, but love 'em all. Not only in casting, but that action provides a unique feel & thrill in the "fight"!

    You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Tie rod-tip to floor. Hold the rod by the cork handle and pull up slowly. The 'fast' rod will burst (fast), long before the 'slow' rod does. True.

  10. #20


    I like my rods like my women, well balanced and fast action.

    The geezer

    Excuse my spelling and Gramma, I hooked mondays and Fridays so I could either hunt or fish.
    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

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