Quote Originally Posted by ScottP View Post
in the smaller sizes (#12 and down) using the 1mm foam they proved to be somewhat fragile (the larger 2mm foam version was much more durable), with the extended body tearing off on a number of occasions. Not going to give up on it yet, but if I can't find a way to strengthen it up without adding time to the tying process, I may just stick to the bigger ones for this pattern
Quote Originally Posted by ScottP View Post
I think for hoppers #12-14, I'll use something like Larva Lace or Hareline tubing.
Drakes were even more fragile than the hoppers. After stumbling upon the heat-shrink tubing idea for hoppers, which probably wouldn't work well on a mayfly except maybe Hex or mutant Labrador monstrosities, I gave the Hareline tubing (standard size) a try for a Fall Drake. A bit crude, kinks to be worked out, but it'll fish; SBS to follow

btw, the dark wing made a huge difference for me on the days I was down in YNP; flat light made seeing anything a challenge, but the black showed up very well.
