
Nice fly.
However, and just asking, when does tying a specific pattern with some different looking material not just a similar substitution, a change in the shape (or 'variance'), or added on something, actually cause the new fly to be a new pattern instead of just a 'Variant'? Your fly is no more of a variant of the Whitcraft then it is a variant of the Mosquito or some other similar fly pattern.
If a few changes allow someone to call something a 'variant' of something already established, then both the Red Quill and Lt. Hendrickson are is simply variants of a Quill Gordon(body), either the Rat Faced MacDougal or the Irresistible is a variant of the other (not sure which came 1st), the Gray Fox is a variant of the March Brown, and so on.
So, if you have the 'original', where does a 'variant' come into the picture, and where does a 'new' pattern begin?