Indirectly there is a legal definition here. It is illegal to use lead under 1 ounce for fishing, unless it is part of the dressing of a fly. You can put lead on the hook shank as a base for a fly, you can put it onto a tube. You can not put just lead on a hook to use with a tube. That indicates that a fly is a dressing on a hook or other support. Lures usually have the hook fastened to the lure.

The thing that is important to me is that the rules of the fishery are followed. Beyond that I have seen things that I wouldn't use, but take the position that I'm not the person to decide what is and isn't fly fishing for them. Fly fishing is a completely artificial problem that we set ourselves in order to be creative in its solution. In that respect it is an art form. Just because someone else's fly isn't ascetically pleasing to you doesn't mean it isn't art.

One fishing club that I am a member off has banned the use of flies and a bubble float. A traditional method in this area. This came up when a friend asked if he could take the disabled people he works with fishing. Most are not able to cast a fly line, but could use a spinning rod with a bubble float and flies. To me this is just plane wrong. I don't use this method, but why shouldn't someone who is physically incapable of casting a fly line not be permitted to enjoy fishing?

I sum it up as follow the rules, live and let live.
