I chose the word resistant, instead of proof, carefully. I have a friend whose large trailer (not pop up) was demolished by a bear. Closest I've come was at Great Sand Dunes. They had bear warning signs out so, after microwaving my dinner, I left the "aromatic" microwave out on the picnic table and put my garbage bag out in the fire pit. In the morning, the microwave was on the ground and the garbage bag was gone.

Thanks to tips received here and elsewhere, I can camp without an electric hook up for about a week by starting out with two fully charged batteries. I prefer RV parks when available, though, for the hook ups, bathrooms and showers, WiFi, etc. I've been pleased to observe the lack of snobbery among the people there. Folks in the huge Class A's seem perfectly friendly to those in much smaller rigs like mine. I haven't made any lasting friendships with the folks I've met in RV parks, but have had some interesting conversations with nice people. And, I have yet to experience any serious breaks in campground etiquette at RV parks, with everyone trying to be good neighbors to the other campers.