I was fortunate enough to take George Harvey's class at Penn State in either '64 or '65. Can't remember the exact year. A little background, at that time it was a non-credit course, given once a year (spring term) with a limit of either 10 or 12 students. It's main focus was fly tying. George Harvey was born in DuBois, Pa. on Nov. 14, 1911. I recently talked to Lefty Kreh briefly at the Atlanta fly fishing show and he said that George was still active, but of course slowing down in all aspects. I know that George and others taught other tying and fishing classes that were not associated with Penn State and it was probably in those classes that the majority of the numbers come from. I have been fly fishing for about 50 years and tying for about 40. It was an honor to have had George Harvey as the man who taught my first fly tying course.

I don't fish to live, but, I live to fish.