Well "G",
NEVER too early to fish....MAYBE too early to catch!
Susan and self went to L. Sonoma yesterday. Mission was to find some crappie for dinner. Tried a couple spots. Nada. Probably due more to improper presentation than anything else. Wandered to the back of a small arm and spy'ed some LM's searching for beds. WASTED quite a bit of time pestering them unsuccessfully. When we moved slightly to pester some BG's that we saw, the LM's seemed to follow....I swear they were reading the side of the canoe. Tried chironimides, scuds, soft hackles, damsels, and tiny surf-candies.....no BG's. Right after loading up the canoe, some fish started busting bait on top in the water out from the ramp.....of course NOT within casting range.
Had a hoot anyway!
....lee s.