In the past few years I've met an increasing number of fly fishers on my favorite local warmwater river, not large numbers, but up to 5 years ago I was lucky to see one other fly caster all year. Last year I had one day where I saw 5 others in the part of the river I was fishing...and not one spin fisherman. When I get down to the shore it seems to be growing there as well, but again, not in large numbers...just a few more.

I think the down economy plays a serious part as well, especially for the recruitment of the younger ranks. I think the fly fishing industry will contract a bit, resulting in fewer manufacturers. As the "Baby-Boom" generation slowly retires from the streams, the ranks of fly fishers will decline to some degree.

All that said, I don't think the apparent current decline will mark the end of the sport, just usher in the next era of flyfishing. That's just my ramblings on the subject. I may be wrong. I blame the cold medicine.