I clean my fly lines the night before I go out fishing. A good soak in very warm water, then a rub down with a damp face cloth until there are no more dirt lines. I let that dry a bit then I apply Loon Outdoors Line Speed to a corner of another cloth and rub it into the length of the line 2 or 3 times. The Line Speed is best applied the night or day before to allow it to dry totally. Out on the water after half a day of fishing I use Loon Outdoors Stream Line. It is designed to be used out on the water and does a great job of keeping the line clean and floating well.

Last summer I was fishing with a friend of mine and I asked him how often he cleaned his line. Virtually never was his answer. I watched him a while and noticed that his line didn't float very well and he didn't have a whole lot of distance in his cast. At lunch I offered to treat his line with the Loon Stream Line and when we started fishing again he was very surprised. His line cast far easier and it stayed afloat very well.

I buy a bottle of each about once a year. For the cost of a few cups of good coffee I have very clean fly lines that float great.

Larry ---sagefisher---