Quote Originally Posted by DG View Post
I don't sell any flies. What I would lose on each fly, I would make up for in lack of volume! LOL

I tie not quite enough to keep my fly boxes stocked every year, several hundred flies.

PS. Hap, I thought you ate cows. And moose, and caribou, and...
And pigs, and bears, and sheep, and mountain goats, and deer, and bison, and elk... and lots of other things...

Not uncommon for me to tie dozens of flies at a single sitting... or sit longer and tie just one... or even just part of one.

There are tens of thousands of hooks here on hand, yet there are never the exact ones I seem to need. So I buy hooks by the thousand and always seem a little behind on the buying curve. Just got in 6k hooks and need to order again...

No way we use this many flies, but they do seem to go away.