I have had a Danvice for at least 10 years, maybe longer now (Gary LaFontaine wasn't sick yet, how long a go was that? I got it through his mailer).

I don't know what being rough on a vice means, but I only tie about a hundred or so flies a year - nothing professionally or semi-professionally like some of these guys. It's held up well.

The upside is that it's cheap, it's true rotary, and holds hooks between 2/0 (maybe even bigger) and size 20 very well.

(FWIW, I have not had problems with space to tie down to size 24, but there are other issues - see below)

There are two downsides that I can think of off the top of my head.:

1) Size 22 or smaller, you have to be careful (very careful) with hook placement. Hooks have gone flying (I suggest wearing glasses). I've tied to size 24 being very careful.

2) The stem is 10mm, not the standard 3/8". There's barely any difference but enough so that a number of typical accessories that go around the stem don't fit.