Sounds to me that someone has been watching your movements and it also sounds like young people because an older person would want to get in and out. As a kid, I did stupid stuff like this, not that I'm proud of it but, I would do some sort of damage, which leads me to the idea that it must be someone maybe late teens or so. I'm glad I saw the ere of my ways and have grown up over the years. Something like this is a selfless act and God will repay them somehow. I really am sorry that it happened to you. Seems like this type of stuff happens to the good people. If you need a rod to fish with, I can loan you my Orvis outfit. I wish there was something else I could do for you my friend. I forwarded your e-mail yesterday to my wife and she was very upset for you. I know you and Debbi and your daughter will recover but, you can never regain the safety that you had prior to these stupid acts of greed and violation, not knowing whether it will happen again. Does your house have an alarm that goes directly to a monitoring company? If you don't have one, it might be worth it to get one and it will lower your insurance by 10%-20%. I wish you all the luck my fried and hopefully they will be caught and get what they deserve.