I don't mind telling you guys that I was going out of my head yesterday. First off, I did not find out about the surgary until 9a.m. when I talked to her mother. The last I knew it was scheduled for today. When I heard that, my heart just dropped. I was supposed to be there but because of a misunderstanding on my daughters side, I was told not to come. I woke up extremely anxious and did not know why until I found out. Her mother was actually nice and called periodically during the day to give me updates. I also don't mind saying, I had to take a couple extra anxiety and PTSD medications and I could not hold food down because of my nervous stomach so, it helped me a great deal to be able to write and share with you and to take my mind off her, even if it was for a brief time.

When I finally got the call that the surgury was over and they found no other signs of the Cancer spreading, I was as relieved as I could be. Although with anyone who has had Cancer, it could pop up again a year, 10 years or a month from now.