Mine used to be my Far and Fine until recently. I pulled my son's 8' 6wt "Trout" Orvis superfine, 1984 vintage, out of the closet and spent some time casting it in the yard. Then I cast it side by side with the F-n-F with the same line and liked the "trout" rod better. Then I took it fishing...5wt with typical trout flies and 6wt lines with bass flies. Grace and power! Truely a do-it-ALL rod for me (except for fishing little mountain trickles and Stripped Bass on the other extreme). I just plain connected with the rod so I went and bought me one; an '82 vintage, 2pc downlocker with cork insert just like my son's '84. I like it so much, I am considering finding another...just in case you know? Pure aesthetic and functional balance with a made in England Hardy LRH!
