I think you'll find MANY members here who have responded to "starters" of tying/flyfishing, and have, in good faith, packaged up materials, books, reels and, yes, in some cases, rods, to give this new-bie a good start ... and never heard from them again. Guess the operative words here are, "in good faith". I feel pretty sure, if we watched e-bay diligently, we'd find the stuff we sent. We'll ... whatcha gunna do? I'm always hopeful.

Then I go shopping for more stuff!!
Oh ... while I'm thinking of it, it's not just here on this site. I even was taken in by a European site where a guy wanted to trade turkey feathers for wax. I carefully wrapped and shipped a wonderful turkey tail to this person, and he thanked me, but, nope! No wax, no nada! He dropped off the face of the Earth! Oh, well!