Don't tie too many Adams any more because I'm pretty slow with hackle-tip winged dries but when I did, I always found that "cheaper was better" - less expensive hen capes produced better quality hackle for those kind of dry fly wings. Notice Charlie (and A.K. Best, for that matter) called for "generic", not "genetic". The genetic stuff that produces those fantastic dry fly saddles and capes of today, for me hasn't translated very well on the female side at least for this application. The Whiting and Metz hen capes I've poked around with have tips that contain too little web to make an Adams I liked (to tell the truth, the fish didn't seem to care one way or another), while a cape/saddle set I bought years ago for about $10.00 has some decent feathers, maybe not the quality of the barnyard chickens Silver Creek posted, but pretty good & webby.

Whiting Hen Cape:

"Cheap", generic cape:

Like I said, fish didn't seem to care one way or another, but since I have the opposable thumbs, I tie them the way I want to.
