Quote Originally Posted by Silver Creek View Post
Another method of mixing dubbing is to use an air mixer.

Get a zip lock bag and put in the dubbing mixture. Get some canned compressed air. It works best for fur.

Put the tube spout in the zip lock bag and close the bag around the tube and pulse the air. It will mix the dubbing.

This is great for small amounts of dubbing. For huge amounts of dubbing go to a service station that has an air pump for inflating tires and use this method. Air is free in in most gasoline stations in the USA.

Mega Dubbing Blender Compressed Air - YouTube

I threw my 1.00 coffee grinders away after using this method. Theres nothing faster , cleaner, easier. No need to worry about static. Just get a new bag. I like little plastic bags. The ones that Tiemco hooks come in are about perfect for me. I kinda like getting more than one use out of a plastic bag other than just buying the hooks that came in it. I fold the bag in half and punch holes in it with my bodkin. The holes act as vents so the bag doesnt blow up.