Put me in the "don't get it" camp.

We were doing this as kids 60 years ago. Old length of level fly line tied on the end of a cane pole 12-16 feet long with a leader on the end of that and rubber spiders. North central Ohio is not exactly a trout destination. The whole rig was carried on a bicycle to the river or pond for a day of fishing that usually ended with some skinny dipping. When the tip of the "rod" got broken by any of the usual methods of breaking a rod, the pole was re-rigged for doodle sockin and used the rest of the summer. Every hardware store would have bundles of cane poles in the spring. The poles went for 10 - 25 cents each.

I guess as kids we were tough enough to fish with poles that were heavier than 2 -3 ounces. But then remember, we walked 3 miles up hill to school in rain, sleet, and snow and then walked 3 miles up hill in rain, sleet, and snow to go home.