Quote Originally Posted by NJTroutbum View Post
Personally?.....I bet it doesn't impact our favorite haunts much at all. I bet these things end up slated for huge tracts of privately managed waters that 99% of us never even hope to set foot along as it is. The money will go where the money already resides....those huge private ranches that close their doors to you?....will open their arms willingly to big money sponsors and TV dollars.
Well said.

When it boils down to MONEY over FISH, it loses any interest for me. Probably because I have very little of either . Long term "tournaments" where average everyday folks can register and post results based on their everyday angling pursuits are different than the highly organized tournaments where so-called "Professional" fishermen (sponsored and paid in some way) try to beat each other. I don't care one bit about the "Fly Fishing Teams" that I read about. It certainly takes something away from the sport in my opinion. Just like the idiocy surrounding deer hunting these days.

Catch and release in the big money bass tournaments is a joke. Grab a bass and wrench it's mouth open past 180 degrees, AFTER winching it into a bascar and letting it flop on the carpet, then shake it all to hell while jumping up and down hollering like an idiot, throw it in a tankwell for a few hours, then "release" it ? yeah right.

Witness the Sage, Reddington, and other "TOURNAMENT LEGAL" fly rods being sold. What a bunch of BS. Pure marketing crap to sell fly rods to bascar passengers. Has any of the "Big Name" tournament fishermen ever placed or won a tournament using one? I don't know for sure but I bet the fly fishing websites will be lit up IF it ever happens.