Quote Originally Posted by NJTroutbum View Post
I'm inclined to agree with the premise of the article simply based on the fact that it suggests that fishermen....and especially FLY fishermen....not forget that they are participating in a "blood sport".

Too many pat themselves on the back and use C&R to place themselves "above" the rest of the fishing community. Thinking themselves seperate from other blood sports. When in fact the "do" kill fish. That FACT needs to sink in, if for no other reason then it causes folks to be responsible. To understand how to handle fish and also to be able to acknowledge when a fish is mortally wounded or exhausted. And when faced with that situation, to do the responsible thing as a steward of the resource and consume what it is you have killed. No ethical drama involved. No righteousnous offended. You killed it....you eat it. Otherwise stop fishing, join PETA, and photogragh flowers. From afar though...so as not to trample any of them.

Love it.