I stood in a flyshop pondering a Metz#1 Cree neck in 1993....and I STILL regret not buying it. But at the time it would have been bought with grocery money.

I have a Ginger Variant that is a Cree...only one I have found since. It was like Xmas in June and of all places it was in a Cabelas...mixed in with a box of about 15 that was still sitting on the floor to be hung up. I was poking through the box and the clerk came over just as I spotted it. He ws going to tell me I coudn't look through that box. LOL He looked at it and seemed to want to tell me to put it back. Then when paying for it he admitted he would have taken it and bought it had I not seen it first. It's a lesser grade...but it's a Cree.

Would love to have one of Denny's skins....maybe soon. I do have one of his Cree JV hen skins.....great hackle.

The other breeders DO get them....but like has been stated, they rarely if ever see the open market.