If you difinitely want to purchase from Cabela's, or if you trust that the Stowaway 6 will have similar action to the Stowaway 7, then I guess you will shop at Cabela's. Nothing wrong with that. However, being from Canada, I have to pay taxes and duty when purchasing from the States, that I don't have to pay when purchasing from England.

As a result I have a 7pc Flextec rod. I think the linked review on the rod page is accurate, and if what you liked was the small package this may work for you - or your budget. Today, 50Lb Sterling equals about $78.50US. Two other club members here in Toronto have the same model (although the 9ft 6/7) and would agree as well. Another member has a couple of their 'standard' 4pc models and quite likes them, and I admit they are stiffer and faster - and he likes them a lot. I have purchased 2 or 3 things from TackleDiscounts and they have all promptly and well packaged. Since you are odering into the States YMMV. Cheers, Greg