Well done, you would fit in as a pirate.
I can imagine you, me, the dude, Roger, Stev, Purebs, Ed, Saltydancingdave, and others sitting at a fish-in telling stories. Yes the next affair needs to be in Florida and in the salt water... We have fish that will take that rod away from you. Imagine a 200lb tarpon that fights harder than that small mouth. Imagine a 200 lb small mouth and you might have a feeling for how the tarpon would feel. Heck fish with the Dude and he will take you gator fishing. We have 2 kind of gators down here. One is a gator trout, and the other is the alligator. Both give a good fight. And both are good eats.
Yea come on down and tell us your stories. We know how to reward good story tellers.

Well done!


[This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 26 April 2006).]