I realize the author was making an April Fools joke...

But I like little fish.

They are usually easy to catch (dumber? less wary? more agressive?) and that suits my skills.

I enjoy the action of lots of strikes.

I'm not gonna eat them, so I feel like I'm helping to educate them.

Even if the fish are small, I'd rather throw dry flies at little brook trout in a fast mountain stream than work nymphs under an indicator for an occasional bigger fish in a large river. Fifty 4 to 10 inch fish seem better to me than two or three 12 to 20 inchers.

A bunch of little smallmouth that will hit a small deer hair popper with reckless abandon every cast or so on a summer evening is a lot more fun to me than using a sinking line on deeper structure to get the occasional two pound or larger fish.

AND, once in while, while doing this, the stars align and a much larger fish intrudes on the fun....a 20 inch rainbow or a four pound smallmouth is a lot of fun on a 2 to 3 wt. fly rod.

I even HAVE a 'mini' fly rod. Years ago I bought a 'micro light' spinning rod (actually several of them). 4 1/2 feet long, tip about the thickness of pencil lead. Has cork grip with slip rings that take a fly reel easily. Throws the running end of 3 wt. WF line perfectly, if not too far, and even a 4 inch smallie or brook trout can put a bit of a bend in it. Still has enough backbone to handle larger fish.

So it's not just a joke as far as I'm concerned. It's all bout the fun.
