Weekend Report, 3/23-3/25/2012

Had 30 minutes of free time after work. Took advantage of it and fly-fished a local public pond. Landed 8 bluegills and 2 crappies.

Called my buddy Jay to see if he wanted to fish for a few hours on Saturday morning. We decided to meet at Saylorville Lake. Lots of people fishing there. I fished for 2.5 hours and used fly-fishing gear along rocky shorelines. I landed (at least) 25 largemouth bass (all under 12"), 1 bluegill, and 3 green sunfish. Almost all the fish I caught were within 5' of shore in water 2' deep or less.

I drove a carpool downtown DM on Sunday, and had an hour to fly-fish at Copper Creek Lake. Lots of folks out there! Saw a guy catch a really nice bass....maybe a 4-pounder.
I caught 12 bluegills.

Later on, my family settled down to watch a movie we had recently seen, so I decided to go fishing while they watched it. It was almost dark by the time I started fishing at a local public pond. I fly-fished from 8pm-9:30pm. I caught 20 crappies and 13 bluegills. Not bad for fishing in the dark!

That was 84 fish for the weekend, and brings this month's total to 215 fish. I checked my fishing logs back to 2006, and this is the most fish I've ever caught in March (even though I was gone for a week on Spring Break). March typically sucks because we get that time period where the ice on lakes is too poor to fish on, but the water isn't fully open yet, or the water is too cold for the fish to be active. This year is a FREAK year!