Yep, just took a brief reprieve while "Spring Breaking" with my family in the Dominican Republic. Back now!

During lunch today, I fly-fished a local public pond.

This pond was the one that got destroyed by overfishing during the winter about 3 years ago. Its isn't what it was, and has several problems ongoing such as filling in, algae, lack of bass, etc. high hopes for today, just wanted to give it its yearly "test".

I caught 15 bluegills and 2 green sunfish. All on a beadhead woolly & olive.

This is an improvement over the past few years. The optimistic news was that the bluegills were very thick-bodied and healthy...although they still probably don't measure more than 7.5". I was pleased, because this at least gives a ray of hope for the bluegill population over the next few years.

Same fish as the first picture...just a closer look.