That's a tough fly to get right the first time and yours looks better than my early tries. Tail looks a bit sparse to me; when I usually fish them, it's early in the season and the streams are up so I like a fuller tail to help with floatation.

Here's a pretty good video:

I like how he ties the tail in first; I always found the wing got in the way if I did it first on this fly, and I was still able to "marry" the stubs from the tail to those from the wing to get a smooth transition. One thing he didn't do that I'd recommend is coat the thread body with a bit of head cement (or super glue) before wrapping the quill body. I actually prefer wild turkey biot (see A.K. Best's Production Fly Tying) for the body; a lot more durable and easier to deal with. Don't see the need for 2 color hackles in the video; a decent dun has been good enough for me.

Really like seeing your flies.
