Howdy neighbor!
The first that comes to mind is Ellen McCaleb at [url=][/url:9a474] . She's big time in the fish art business. There may be others that are FAOL sponsors or members that I don't know about!

My fishin' buddy Ken presented our fishing circle with an offer this year (he's an expert, retired, professional carver) -- any of us that gets a fish over 24" this year gets a free catch and release carving, if we get pics and length and girth measurements. Plus bribes.

Anyway, check out the link. Give me a holler at: danbob at if you are interested in someone local, I can put you in touch with Ken and see what he thinks.

Also, I'll be at Bob's Fly Shop for most of the day Saturday (april 22) building a new rod, drop by and we can meet in person!


PS -- where'd you catch the big rainbow????