San Jose Fly Shop is a very good shop! Their online forums and fishing reports tend to be a bit dated though.

If you're in the area, they'd be the first shop I'd stop at. There's another that might be closer (in down town Los Gatos...Upstream is the name of that shop I think). They're a combination outdoor clothing/fly shop. I prefer SJ Fly Shop personally.

I've gotten some local fishing info from them but most locals tend to go out of the immediate area to fish it seems. It's hard to find folks that admit to fishing the local waters. Maybe they like to get away from it all while fishing and being able to play with crappie ten minutes away from work isn't "away" enough?

Or, maybe they all like to fish from big boats? Most of the local waters are drinking water reserviors so they tend to restrict you to electric motors (or canoes, kayaks, float tubes, etc). Calero, Anderson, Lexington, and a few of the others allow motorized boats with some restrictions (if that matters to you, should have the details on which local waters allow what kind of vessles).

I'm trying to find a day to get out on Loch Lomond again and see if my 3wt can find some bluegill. I hit a spot there a couple years ago that produced about 30 blue gill in a couple hours (fishing worms instead of flies). I took my son there a couple weeks later and we reeled in 50 blue gill in 3 hours.

The biggest I've landed there was eleven inches on the same day I also brought in a nine incher. That was in June so I don't know (yet) if they're hanging out in the same spot this early in the year...and I haven't scouted for other good spots there since I spent all my time playing in the first good spot I found (after trying a variety of fish-less spots on the other side of the lake, I was estatic to find that spot).