Quote Originally Posted by Lotech View Post
I tie my own flies also. After spending those (to me) ridiculous prices for hardware (rods, reels & lines) I don't have any money left for quality tied flies. Shoot, I don't even have enough for those ridiculously priced pieces of hardware. I think that like many other industries, fly fishing in general has priced a great deal of the middle class out of the market. When I was working, or when I had a financial windfall, I'd splurge and get a nice rod or reel. I even spent $60 one time for a fly line. WHEW! Now that I've been forced into retirement, like a lot of other people, the only equipment I use is either cheap or given to me. It's sad too, because I believe the current market trend has lent itself to the notion of fly fishing being an elitists sport, when it should be for the common man.
Wow! Looks like a can of worms (or flies as it were) was opened here. Sorry for the rant, but I feel better now.
I can appreciate what you have said about the sport being not for the common man. I have been out of work since 2009 and now go to school full-time thanks to the military. I live on a modest pension and stipend and although I have some of what I consider, nice outfits within my means I also found a set up that works as good if not better than my more expensive outfits. It is the Eagle Claw Featherweight fiberglass rod which cost less than $25 and an old Phlueger(sorry for the spelling, I can never remember how to spell it) 1495 reel. The whole setup with rod,reel,line,backing and leader was less than $75 which I consider an extremely good deal. Is it top of the line? No. Does it work? Yep. So I guess it all boils down to what works and what we can afford. If there's anything you need and I can help you out, let me know