This particular product was developed or was being developed for this purpose. Not being a rod builder, Brian halted development for a while. This may not be the last formulation of the product. So, as far as I am aware, this rod I am doing now is the first to be done with it.

Those of us that have removed a wrap know that most epoxy will remove pretty cleanly from the blank with not much effort. If anything, this is easier. It came off cleanly for me slightly easier than cured epoxy would. The rod will be fished to see if this stuff can handle the flex. That was supposed to be built into it at this point. There is a lot of testing to be done yet. Technique for application needs to be worked on as well and the formulation may need to be tweaked.

There are things I don't like but are they things that can be overcome with technique rather than reformulating? We'll see.