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Thread: New here, looking for info before diving into fly fishing

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  1. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Welcome to the sport from the Colorado Rockies! Don't be surprised if you see some conflicting advice in the responses. Listen to it all and use your judgment. I doubt any of it will be bad advice. It is just that we all have our preferences. Here are mine.

    Rod: 8'6" to 9'. Moderate action or moderate-fast. Not fast at the start. 5-weight if you plan to own only one rod. Otherwise start with a 4-weight for trout and add a 6-weight for bigger fish and windy days later. Two-piece rods used to be the norm, but 4-7 piece rods are easier to store and transport. Include Cabela's in your rod search.

    Reel: any under $50 at the start. Combo sets match the reel weight to the rod and are, thus, foolproof in terms of having your rod and reel balance well in your hand.

    Rod case and reel case: Protects your investment. Usually come with a combo set.

    Line: The Cortland Classic Peach is a good value, time tested and proven. Will be better than what you get in a combo set and worth the price. Get a floating line for its versatility. Some like weight forward lines best. I strongly prefer a double taper line. It casts just as good for me in the casting distances I need and, when the front end is worn out and stops floating, you can turn it around on your reel and get an unused new front end. You can't do that with a WF line. (Hint: almost all of the fish you catch in a stream will be hooked within 15 feet of you, especially at the start.)

    Backing: Dacron in a 20 or 30-pound weight.

    Leaders: 9' to start. I use a 5X most of the time for Rocky Mountain streams, but also carry a heavier 4X and a lighter 6X as well. I also use 7.5 foot leaders more as I get more experience.

    Tippet: I use 5X most of the time, but also carry 4X and 6X. The 5X can fool most trout. The 4X is for bigger & dumber fish. The 6X is for spooky trout who can't see it as well as a 5 or 4X. I like Rio and can get them cheaper as a 3-pack.

    Flies: Ask the fly shop nearest to the water you'll be fishing what is working now --pattern and size. Buy a few. Keep asking on each trip. YOu can also find a lot of info on the Net about what flies will work in the waters near you at the time you'll be fishing them. Google the water's name + fishing report.

    Landing net: A big help with larger fish. Might be a requirement for kayak fishing. (I've never fished from a kayak.)

    Forceps and nippers: The two tools you'll use most on the water.

    Fly floatant: I use Loon and Frog's Fanny to keep my dry flies floating.

    Splitshot weight: B and BB

    Strike Indicators: For when you are fishing nymphs, etc. I use yarn ones, with floatant applied, and Thingamabobbers.

    Magnifying glasses: If your vision is not perfect they sure help to thread small flies.

    Waders: A necessity if you plan to fish in uncomfortably cold water. I've found breathables to be more comfortable in both warm and cold weather than neoprenes. I've had great luck with Cabela's Dry Pus Gold Medals.

    Wader belt: Keeps you dry when you fall in the water.

    Wading staff: Young guys can often get by without one, but they also fall in the water more.

    Boots: Start off relatively cheap. Felt soles give great traction, but are being banned in some areas. Rubber soles are nice in snow. People either love or hate studded soles. Studs and boats don't play well together.

    There is a lot of other gear you can buy, some of it useful, but those are the basics. Once you have it, come on back and ask us how to assemble and use it. This board is great about answering newby questions! I know because the folks on this board were incredibly helpful to me when I started fly fishing about 10 years ago!

    Last edited by oldfrat; 01-06-2012 at 01:00 AM.

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