Folks, I have offered to host the chatroom on Tuesday evenings, 7-9 PM Pacific Time. I'll be there tonight, barring unforeseen happenstance. I hope to see lots of people there and we'll give it another shot. Maybe if more people occupy the chat something good will happen. The topic that I will be involved with will be warm water fishing. Basically it will be about bass, crappie, bluegill & perch, but the sky is the limit. If you want to talk about trout (I love trout fishing) that's fine. Saltwater fishing, night fishing or high mountain pack in fishing is also within purview. Camping and dutch oven cooking is also one of my favorite subjects. Fly tying too. If we demonstrate to admin that there is still plenty of interest in the chat, then maybe some fixes will be forthcoming. I would hate to see something good disappear just because it stumbled for a while.
C'yall Tonight.