Chucked the landline phones over a year ago. Besides saving about $40.00 a month (and that didn't even include long distance service at the time) it lets us use the new home phone as an extra cell phone if we want to take it with us. Didn't realize we could take it out of the house when we first got it till my wife accidently put it in her purse and our son called us while we were at the local mall. One note though - you can't get away from those dreaded politicians calls and the like just because you have a home based cellphone with the home number on it. Keeping our home phone number was key to going with the new phone too. It's worked out great and that little bugger does everything that the old home phone did and much cheaper. We have plug in chargers for all the phones in case we're on the road so no problem there. Won't take long to get used to it - enjoy!