Quote Originally Posted by billhouk View Post
I appreciate your frustration but, from the other end. I sent a message asking if the seller accepted PayPal. By the time they replied they did not and I replied I would send a PMO, they sold it to someone else. I was on-line while this PM exchange took place (a matter of minutes)...

In the sellers defense I guess I should have included the phrase "I'll take it."
I agree, this goes both ways.

I had the same circumstances happen to me, I posted "I will take it PM sent" got a reply "OK" next thing I know he turned around and sold it out from under me between PM's exchanging payment details, this was all within an 1/2 hour. So the other side of this, if you're selling something and you have a committed buyer stating "I will take it" then sell it to that person and not the next guy. Also you should read back on the post and see who posted first.