Quote Originally Posted by oldfrat View Post
I apologize if my Bucky Beaver image link posting offended anybody.

I suspect many of us visit many FF boards. They are all different in personality and situation. I visited one that was like a biker bar. I "snuck out the door quietly" and have not been back since. Some are like neighborhood bars, streamside campfires, or various types of fly shops. FAOL has always struck me as LF's living room, so I've tried to comport myself here like I was in my mother's living room. I've never posted anything here that I would not have posted in her living room, and she ran a pretty strict living room.

In all these various environments, I've come to expect that fly fishers will respond with some good natured teasing, ribbing and banter when the opportunity is presented. Lord knows, I have been on the receiving end of some of this.

Seems to me that, if you can't take this without getting your hackles up, you should probably avoid places where fly fishers gather to chat. If you can't take the heat, no matter how mild it is, probably best to stay out of the kitchen. If you are attracted to FFing kitchens, but sensitive to heat, there is no kinder place to be than FAOL. I truly believe that and I'll try to do my best to keep it that way.

Hey.... </clearing throat>