On the offside chance that you check to see what further was posted ....

When something horrid happens, we all have a tendency to make an attempt at humor, so we can even start to process the awfulness of the action. You weren't here when one of our fully faithful was attacked and critically injured by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone. We honored her terror, but found her only too willing to add some humor to the horror she went through. When one of us has a close call, ie; falling in ... too fast a current ... death "certain", when we know that person is all right, we'll start the "humor" to hide our fear of what could have been, or knowing we have been in similar situations, how close to home it hits.

You've only been on here a month. That's hardly long enough to have learned much of anything. I suppose if you know everything about fly fishing/tying/furling/building/etc/etc, there wouldn't be any reason for you to stay. That's sad. There is an abundance of information here, along with some of the best people you could ever hope to meet.

I hope you change your mind about leaving. But, if you don't? Oh well.