A lot goes into my decision on what to tip. Most guides are independent contractors working out of a specific shop or group of shops. They get a percentage of the cost of the trip from the shop owner and they pickup the tab for the day. The last shop I worked for split the fee 40/60 so for a $350 all day trip I received $210.00. I was responsible for transportation and gas, meals and drinks, flies, tippet, etc. On an average trip with 2 people, lunch cost $20.00, drinks $6.00, flies and tippet $15.00, and gas $10.00. I was also responsible for paying my own SS which was $26.00. So, after deductions I cleared approximately $123.00.

As a rule of thumb, on a walk/wade trip I'll tip $8 to $10 per hour. On a float trip I'll tip $10 to $12 per hour. I never base my tipping on the number or size of fish I catch as in 90% of the cases it's not within the guides control.

The best tip I ever received was $300 from a husband and wife I guided in RMNP. They didn't catch a lot of fish, but I was able to put them in a position to watch an elk calf being born.....