Quote Originally Posted by qrrfish1 View Post
Do you have a particular issue with the double haul you would like some help or insights with? I've come to appreciate the truth that each person develops their own understanding of how they are going to apply the dynamics of the double haul and all forms of loop control for themselves. What I try to do is help people find the answers they themselves may not be aware are already within their own knowledge base and refine them to their purpose. When I chose to work with somebody across the internet its sort of like your reading a book on a subject. But in this case you can ask the author to explain what they meant and in turn the author asks you questions to help complete the picture they can't see. A teacher can teach a thousand ways, a student learns only once.
I have no particular issue with the double haul myself, or so I think, you just made it sound like something easy that you could pass on a tidbit or two here, rather simply, a good thing ... not that the double haul if very hard once practiced and learned,
but it can be bit intimidating at first, like riding a bike once learned you got it...

Your words most certainly are those of encouragement, a very good thing...
anyway qrrfish1, forget it sorry I asked.......

Be safe
