Hi Karli-Rae,

Concerning Mike Thomas' note on the island and the fly fishing. He mentions that it is right in the middle of whale season, and he also mentions bone fishing.

My own though is that in spite of the fact that it is whale season, I would ignore the whale fly fishing, and just fly fish for the bone fish.

I don't know for certain, having never fly fished for whales, but my guess is that it might take something like a 75 weight fly rod. If you buy such a rod, you will probably never have a chance to use it again for the rest of your lives.

Further, I would guess that it would take a really big NFL lineman to be big and stout enough to cast a 75 weight fly rod. Take my advise....if you do choose to whale fish, RENT the fly rod, DO NOT BUY.

No, if you are going to fly fish there, stick with the bonefish, and ignore the whale fly fishing.

