I found the video which is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx3OT...eature=related Your image is within the first few seconds. It seems that three things are going on at once re. clothing/packs. 1) he is carrying a blue backpack that is fairly large. 2) he is wearing a como 'T-shirt'. 3) he is wearing some kind of mottled orange vest that is mostly around his middle - it may have shoulder straps as well, but they can't be seen. Since the 'vest' is mottled orange, I wonder if it is for hunting or shooting.

I was also going to point out the Fishpond products as possibly meeting your need, they have two available at Cabelas, the larger one dissembling after you reach your destination to provide only a chest pack. William Joseph also has one.

I laughed when I looked at the two links provided by Warren. Often I think everything comes out of the same factory.