Hey Ingar

A story to bring that point into focus. A dozen or so years ago I was at my cabin on the Ausable in MI. Had two young (4,5 year old) nephews with me. Now its Opening weekend, late April, the waters cold and high. Tough to FF except in a boat with a nymph. So, we are bank fishing with bait (legal in that part of the stream) and doing rather well. The little boys had caught several nice trout and a dozen or so suckers and whitefish. Along comes a guide in a driftboat with two dudes. They are "orvised up" and throwing dry fly into 45 degree water. Now I hadn't seen anything hatch that day. But they're beating the water to a froth. Just as they get about 100 yds above us the 4 year old gets a bite. He hooks and plays to the net a 20" brown. On a Snoopy pole... The guide immediately tells us we should throw the fish back but the little guys wants to keep it. The dudes ask the guide why they can't catch them like that. He says its because "real trout fisherman wouldn't use bait".

The four year old quickly pipes up, "No, its because you don't have a Snoopy pole." They shoved off---cursing no doubt---and we kept and ate the fish.
