A friend of mine was flyfishing about 50 feet downstream from a worm dunker. My friend was doing quite well on 12-14 inch trout. He had caught several very nice rainbow when the worm dunker called out to him "What Ya using?" My friend said "Bead Head Copper Johns on a sinking tip." The guy yells back, "Oh well if you don't want to tell me...." then he continued to cast and re cast his worm & bobber rig to no avail. After many more bows came to net for both me and my friend the guy finally waded down to our section of the pool and asked me what I was using. I showed him my bead head doc spratley and told him what it was called. He looked a bit sheepish and said, You mean that other guy wasn't just making fun of me? I laughed and said no He is using a beadhead copper john fly on a sinking line. Long story short.... We loaned him an el-cheapo rod and reel setup, gave him some flies then showed him the rudiments of the cast. Now there were 3 flyfishers teasing the trout that day. He did quite well the rest of the afternoon catching several very nice bows. I've Never seen him again since that day but somewhere I know there is a new flyfisher out there.