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Thread: Uff dah!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Denver, Co.


    Uff... McGarthwaite you need to put a sen on the end of your name as in McGarthwaitesen.

    Cold Winters

    I heard once about a Norwegian feller named Ole who lived way up there in northern Minnesota, somewhere real close to the Wisconsin border, I guess. After years and years of farming, he decided to put the farm up for sale. He called a realtor in town, who told him he would come out to the farm to help set a price and fill out all the paperwork. When Ole met with the realtor, among the many details to take care of, the realtor told Ole "we'll need to get a survey of the farm" and when everything is ready, I'll be back for some final paperwork. When the time came, the realtor guy called up Ole to set up a time to visit and get that last paperwork stuff all done. As they were chatting on the phone, the realtor happened to mention the survey and said to Ole, "You know, something funny happened here, when the survey and the legal description came back, it said that you actually live in Wisconsin. Hah, and to think that all this time we thought your property was in Minnesota. Don't that just beat all?", to which Ole replied "Really? Well, I tink maybe I von't sell the farm after all, ya know. It was dose doggone cold Minnesota vinters I was trying to get avay from."
    "As far down the river as he could see, the trout were rising, making circles on the surface of the water, as though it were starting to rain."- E.H., The Big Two Hearted River

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    northeast Minnesota


    It was -29 here at 6:00 this morning, but nI'm sure it cooled off after that!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Littleton, Colorado
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Lotech View Post
    Hold your breath Kevin. You'll get yours. Isn't even Winter yet.
    It's been drier than a popcorn f*rt around here. N snow, no rain, nothing but a bit of wind and lots of sunshine. I went out and worked on the wife's car this afternoon and was quite comfortable without a jacket. It is truly unusual for the good weather to last this long. First snow is usually around late September, early October. It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow.

    Guess I'll have to go wet a line tomorrow.

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    I haven't thought of buckle overshoes since I left northeastern North Dakota. I remember the trials of getting dressed to go outside in the winter, itchy wool long johns, cord pants or flannel lined pants, flannel shirt, snow pants, itchy wool scarf, parka with hood and an itchy wool hat just to be sure. Getting those overshoes off in the school cloakroom was a real pain. Fingers were so cold they didn't work well and the buckles on the overshoes were usually clogged with ice and snow.

    Take all that time to get dressed to go out and...you gotta go to the bathroom once your dressed. Don't forget, the bathroom, really isn't where you take a bath, it's the little house out back with a moon cut in the door and a Sears or Montgomery Ward catalog next to the well sanded seat. Man, those were some cold trips. Oh yeah, baths were in a galvanized tub in the middle of the kitchen. Hot water was heated on the stove, then a new kettle full was added for every family member that took a bath. Only the first, usually, Mom, got clean hot water. I felt sorry for the youngest kids from large families. They often got dirty as well as cold water.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  5. #15


    I spent WAY too many years in South Dakota to forget those winters... We celebrated Spring &/or Fall if they happened to fall on a weekend... we'd have a neighborhood wide picnic! Parnelli, get out of there! Best Regards....
    Exploring the waters of western Montana...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Hey Ron,
    Thanks for the memories; Oh yeah, baths were in a galvanized tub in the middle of the kitchen. I remember that galvanized washtub in the middle of the kitchen. I also remember Mom giving me a shampoo while I was laying on the drainboard with my head over the sink. I think Truman was president then.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    Feel for ya man, what with sweatin and all! Just crank up the AC and you'll be just fine. Some iced tea and a nice shady spot under a tree couldn't hurt either! Maybe you'll get some relief from the blistering heat by January! Stay cool buddy!

    Best regards, Dave S.

  8. #18


    Last week we had our two days of winter...highs in the 50s and a FRIDGID 24 degrees overnight...

    I HAD TO WEAR A LONG SLEEVED SHIRT!!! I even drove to work with the truck window cranked up...hadn't closed it months, wasn't sure it would work.

    But it hit 80 today, so things are back to normal.

    We may see a couple of more days of winter this year, global cooling and all, with the forecast for rain and overnights in the 30s late this week. Still forecasting in the mid 70s for the weekend though.

    Dealing with all this cold weather is sure a drag. Wife wants me to consider turning off the cooler and actually lighting the heater (didn't know we had one...then I found out that that big squared off metal thing next to the water heater is a forced air heating thingy for the house)...I'm considering it if we get any more of these goshawful overnight lows in the 30s.

    Do you know I've had to put on long pants TWICE this winter!! Worst one in decades.

    You guys enjoy your snow.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.


    Buddy Sanders,

    I'm really surprised you didn't wax the skis or crank up the snowblower & snowmoble or at least prop up the ol' snow shovel, outside the garage, just in case of a freak Siberian Express? Too late now though! Looks like you only had a window of about 24 hrs. to enjoy all that Winter has to offer! Better luck next year! Now, I happen to know first hand that you can drive to your "winter" in probably less than an hour! I seem to recall a trip I took to Tucson in July of 87, where folks were being warned about the mountain passes and having tire chains. Sound familiar? HMMMMMM? LOL!!! It may get waaay down to 80 degrees, but don't worry, I hear it's a "dry" cold. Dress warm!!!!

    Best regards, Dave S.

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