the Pentax cameras you mentioned above are all older models. Did you see the link I posted for the W90? Latest model for $189 brand new is hard to beat. Also the LCD is designed to be readable in bright sunlight. Most cameras like this one allow you to adjust the LCD brightness too. I can understand those that are visually challenged may want a view finder but for the most part IMHO they are just an additional expense on these cameras due to the fact that they restrict your field of view. They also provide an additional part that can become compromised and allow water into the camera.

You should go to the local Wal-Mart or other big box and handle a few point and shoot types to get the feel of using just the LCD display. I think you will find out that using the viewfinder is actually a handicap. I sure wish my Pentax K-10D DSLR had a live view LCD. That is the only thing that the other brands have that I like versus my Pentax. But that is just me. Sorry that I tended to ramble here. One draw back to Pentax is it is hard to find them in a store to check them out before buying. However lots of their dealers are 100% money back satisfaction guaranteed. I have tried the others and there is a reason I keep going back to Pentax. Great pictures, easy to use, darned near bullet proof without having pay a lot for it.

I am certain that you will be happy with the camera you pick regardless of the brand.