I've tied a few now but not fished ...damsel fly nymph though...

The bead chain has quite a bit of motion because of the separate freely moving single wire between each bead...there is a certain undulation to the body...much different than the glass bead bodies I've done before ...also much more motion than furled extended bodies ...and will look more like the natural body than the usual marabou...I think. [.Buddy I think there will be more motion than the ordinary ties and the motion will be aided by the weight]]

Like Uncle Jesse I didn't find attaching the front bead a joy... used super glue on the tie in....I tried flattening the front bead and that helped...didn't try your slot UJ ...just reminded of it today.....have you fished it as planned ...thoughts?...results?

Since I did damsel flies I slipped a cdc puff quill into the last bead ...instead of tying in biots.... and secured with super glue kept off the barbules....don't know about the durability.

Used a green magic marker to color the beads.

It will be interesting to see if the motion of the body proves to be a good trigger. I will be fishing in stillwater ...different in how it performs in moving water me thinks.