Quote Originally Posted by Fatman View Post
I've got some of the Whiting hen hackles but more and more I really prefer Denny's stuff...[snip]
Always surprised when I hear this, because I've tried both, and Whiting clearly is the superior product. Now granted it is a closer race when comparing hen saddles/capes, but no contest when discussing dry fly hackle. Whiting's feathers pretty much rule the market these days, as long as you can afford it...

Back to the original topic, I too have been shocked about how expensive Whiting's hen capes have gotten, and would be curious if anyone had a concrete answer. Just 8 years ago, the silver grade capes were $9-11, and now they are as much as $33 at Hook and Hackle (although that includes the saddles). If you look around and find someone selling just the cape, they are still well over $20/cape. Price in other words has more than doubled in just 8 years. A pretty dramatic increase in cost must have cropped up over the years, but no idea what.