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Thread: How many of you get these kinds of comments when you tell others you're a flyfisher?

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  1. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Just about every video you watch on fly fishing shows a person doing many false casts to remove the water from their dry fly. No one explains this in the videos and most people believe this is something one must do when fly fishing and they feel that they cannot do that. No one explains to new fly fishers that this action is required for dry fly fishing and is not required for "wet" fly fishing. The "casting" of the fly is the part that keeps most from trying fly fishing. I wish someone would do a video for "beginner fly fishing" and explain the "why" for some of the casting. I honestly feel a new person to fly fishing should start out with just fishing a wet fly like a bugger so that they can concentrate on the "fishing the fly" part and not have to worry so much about the "casting". Some new people will progress from that starting point to the dry fly fishing after they have used a fly rod for awhile. For me, I like nymph fishing and seldom use dry flies. I can see the rewards for dry fly fishing and may, someday, start to get serious about dry fly fishing, but, for now, I enjoy nymph fishing. I tell newcomers to just purchase an inexpensive fly rod and just go fishing and not worry so much about the casting part. If they become "hooked" on using a fly rod, they will eventually spend more time perfecting their "casting" and presentation. New comers just need to experience the "fun" of using a fly rod. One must get them "catching" fish first and then they will "want" to get better at the casting. I know that the "flip side" is the art of the presentation and not the "catching", but, if we are going to attract new comers to fly fishing, they must first "catch" fish.
    Last edited by WarrenP; 11-15-2010 at 03:06 PM.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

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