This subject for me is very down home. I remember when I was young I myself tried to kill myself because of daily bulling because of my size, my looks, my lack of brand name clothing, and most of all the fact that i was intelligent and proud of it. They found other reasons as to pick on and beat me. And up until high school it wasn't just students who picked on me Teachers bullied students as well. I don't remember the number of times i tried to stay home from school. I hated school for the most part because of the bullies, alot of my bullies lived in my neighborhood so the bulling didn't always stop after school ended. I was even kicked off the school bus because i was "causing" a disturbance by being bullied. My parents tried a number of times to get it to stop but it didn't teachers and administration blamed me for being different. told my parents to spend real money on me when it came to clothes and to stop babying me that the bulling was good for me. (wtf where they thinking) finally in Jr High school I just couldn't take it. and on three separate occasions I tried to commit suicide failing each time and looking back I am happy for that. It wasn't till we moved and I entered Highschool that the bulling all but stopped. Their where times I was bullied in highschool but nothing like before. For years I hated myself blamed myself for how the bullies treated me. But It was in highschool that I was able to realize that it was never ever my fault.

Schools, parents, teachers, are so afraid to step in and discipline any student or child for fear of child abuse allegations It is no wonder that this early form of terrorism has grown into the the menace it is now is. In order for this to stop parents must be allowed to properly discipline their children from the start. Most bullies of today, many will find show little to no respect for their parents or anyone in a place of authority.